Trustee Indemnity insurance
If you are a trustee, you make a real difference to your local church – taking responsibility for making sure the church is run properly and uses its charitable funds and assets wisely and ultimately, for making sure it delivers on its charitable objectives.
Churches are recognised as charities and as such their committee members are acknowledged as trustees, but what if the trustees don’t meet some or all of those duties and responsibilities?
When might we need this cover?
It could be anything from a breach of authority on the trustees’ part, or an omission by an individual trustee, neglect, or maybe a misleading – perhaps libellous or slanderous – statement issued by the Board of Trustees.
What cover do we have?
To help protect you, your church insurance cover automatically provides you with trustee indemnity insurance cover. This provides cover for liability claims arising from a wrongful act by a trustee, including the cost of defending such claims – which can be significant. It provides you with peace of mind that as long as you have acted lawfully and with a duty of care, you should be covered.
In summary, trustee indemnity insurance directly protects an individual trustee, rather than a charity or Church itself, and protects trustees from personally having to pay legal claims made against them for any breach of trust or duty of negligence or care (excluding reckless or wilful wrongdoing). For more information call us on 01-6190300.